The Village

Daddy Doula
Labour induction techniques (aromatherapy, accupressure)
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We're here to assist in as little or in as many ways as you you'd like us to be. The birth experience, whether at home, in the hospital, vaginal or Caesarean, is a life changing moment and one you will never forget. Our purpose is to help change the paradigm of the birth experience to eradicate the trauma sequence and elevate the right of passage that your ancestral body was designed for.
We will help you connect to your roots, your core and learn so much about yourself as you transform. Sometimes all you need is a little helping hand, and sometimes you need the whole village. We're here for you as your sisters, to hold you hand, to rub your back, to make your tea and wipe the sweat off your brow. Together we'll dance, we'll cry, we'll breathe and bring forth your beautiful and blessed jewel child.
Birth Doula + Ritual Ceremony: A perfect way to honour your ancestors while embarking on a very comfortable birthing experience. Our doulas work very well together and will bring that same level of comfort and companionship to you and your support team, creating spiritual space with full mind body spirit awareness to your labour techniques.
Birth Doula + Full Bellies: Our birth doula service accompanies any of our other services well, Full Bellies is a great comfort and reassurance in the days of building and bonding and rest.
Day Of + Postpartum Doula: If you and your birthing partner are feeling confident to labour together without additional support, our Day Of service is a great way to hand over some tasks. A few days with a postpartum doula after baby is born can be very useful to go over any new baby questions and get some much needed rest and recovery.
All Services: The entire sisterhood will be available to you and your family for as little or as much time as you need. We'll arrive together and take care of all the details from your prenatal appointments until you feel comfortable on your own after baby is born.